Sexy Star Wars costumes



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Costume Craze


Jumbo IG-88 figure



Gentle Giant is releasing this fucking awesome jumbo remake of the classic 3 3/4″ Kenner IG-88 action figure from The Empire Strikes Back. I remember how rare this figure was back when it came out (I think winter of ’81?) and I was completely freaked out when I saw it on a rack at the Eaton’s toy department. I distincly recall running around the next day screaming to anyone in the school-yard who would listen “I got IG-Eighty-fucking-eight!!” From the looks of things they nailed every detail, even IG’s crappy hands that could barely hold onto the two blasters he carried around. Worth getting for the vintage packaging alone:

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Also, since we’re on the subject of IG-88, droid bounty hunter supreme, has anyone ever noticed that behind the bartender in the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars is what looks like IG-88’s head? I see this EVERY time I watch Star Wars and it always jumps out at me:
